thinnest watch in the world

 Different people live on Earth. Some do the very best, while others willingly buy the very best. Surely, there will be a buyer for the thinnest watch in the world, buying which, you need to lose a fortune. The watch is valued at more than a hefty sum of $440,000. If converted into rubles, you get 42,790,000 rubles! But be sure that the eccentric who wants to buy them will show up sooner or later!

thinnest watch in the world

thinnest watch in the world

The watch is designed by the world famous luxury company Bulgari. Its experts verified the details and brought the novelty to perfection within 3 years. The thickness of the case is less than 2 millimeters. This fact has deprived Altiplano Ultimate watches from leadership, which until recently were considered the thinnest in the world. And yet, why such a fabulous price, what is so special about this Bulgari watch?

thinnest watch in the world

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. The developers report that they paid a lot of attention to materials and their finishing. So, the upper part of the case is made of titanium, which has been sandblasted. The lower part is made of tungsten carbide. This material is often used for drill tips. It is probably difficult to take your eyes off the working open mechanism.

thinnest watch in the world

The watch received an octagonal dial, and a QR code in a round field became their hallmark. It is needed to quickly connect to the world, to the NFT and the metaverse. What exactly is behind these words, the manufacturer does not disclose, but says that this should help “connect the mechanical world with the world of digital measurement.” Maybe it is this “big secret” that is worth those same millions and will be revealed only to the buyer?

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